Physiotherapy is a science based profession and takes a ‘whole person approach to health and wellbeing” which includes the patient’s general lifestyle. CSP 2013

We provide services that develop, maintain and restore people’s maximum movement and functional ability. We can help people at any stage of life, when the movement and function are threatened by ageing, diseases, injuries, conditions or environmental factors.

Physiotherapists help the people to maximise their quality of life by looking at physical, psychological and social wellbeing. We work in the health spheres of promotion, prevention, treatment, hablitation and rehabilitation.

Our progressive open mindset along combined with the various specialised treatment techniques delivers the desired results achievable. All our goals & results are SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timed.

We specialise in providing the following treatments:

Manual Therapy


Decompression Therapy Traction

Kinesio Taping


Exercise Program